Find out what waste and recycling you can dispose of, opening times and site rules.
This site is operated by Veolia on behalf of Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority.
Please be aware that if there are queuing vehicles towards closing time, site staff will notify any vehicles that may not be able to gain access and stop additional vehicles from joining the queue.
Vans, whether hired or owned, and trailers between 2m-3m in length are required to make a booking.
1st April - 30th September
8:00 - 20:00
1st October - 31st March
8:00 - 17:00
Open every day except
Christmas Day, Boxing Day
& New Year's Day
Bicycles (with/without trailer): Follow the same route as vehicles and follow the highway code.
Pedestrians: Unfortunately there is no pedestrian access at this Recycling Centre.